Barney The Backyard Gang. This series launched the PBS television show, Barney & Friends. The show features Barney in a retro-style look and a deeper voice.
The children meet all sorts of woodland creatures, study the stars, learn. View Videos or join the Barney and the Backyard Gang discussion. The series focused on a purple tyrannosaurus rex named Barney, and a group of kids known as The Backyard Gang, and the adventures they take, through their imaginations.
Barney the dinosaur introduces the Backyard Gang to the fun of camping out.
This is the first Barney plush from Barney and The Backyard Gang.
Dear Barney and Backyard Gang , This past adventure was filled with unimaginable fun that we never had before thank you for giving us that and we have the Backyard gang was already fast asleep and soon Santa came and sure enough he filled up every single stocking and that's when he noticed the. Join Barney, BJ, Baby Bop and all of their friends when they take center stage as they make a special surprise for their friends with The Barney Bag. The Backyard gang puts on a birthday show for Michael and Amy's dad.