How To Find A Snail In Your Backyard. Your article has been very informative. Snails are herbivores which mean they eat plants and flowers.
You do have to replace the beer every few days for this to work. If you're reading this where it's warm and rainy, you shouldn't have problems finding snails and slugs. Many birds will eat them, including your backyard chickens, but the widespread use of snail pellets has made many potential predators learn to avoid eating them.
If your yard has few places that attract snails, you can collect the creatures by hand and destroy them daily until their population diminishes.
Chances are, if you have snails in your garden, it is the common garden snail, also called the brown garden snail.
Snails and slugs near ponds or other water features in your garden can be detrimental in a number ways. Now I have lots of snails but I recommend taking time and just collecting snails, which is what I do. Use a Natural Insect Spray Use a natural pest control spray, such as the Dr.