Backyard Bunnies Rabbitry. Unfortunately, there is tons of inaccurate information out there about raising rabbits. Perhaps you want to get started with rabbits and haven't decided on which breed yet.
We raise & sell purebred Champagne d'Argent rabbits. Because, frankly, the rabbit as livestock hits all those points. Their long, pink ears, powerful hind legs, black button noses, and cotton tails give them their distinctive, cuddly appearance and have made them the subject of childhood fables over the course of several centuries.
While all rabbits can be raised for meat, there are some rabbit breeds that make up great backyard herds.
Welcome To M & T Rabbitry and Poultry Farm!
Selling Breeders - It is rare that anyone producing meat from their backyard wants to get rid of proven breeders; but it happens. We are passionate about educating others about rabbit care, health, and happiness. We are a ARBA registered rabbitry, members of the Holland Lop Rabbit Specialty Club and the North Carolina Rabbit Breeders Association.