Where To Find Snakes In Your Backyard. If you see fur and feathers but no bones, it may be snake poop. But if you live near water and have a shed on your property or thick shrubbery or various pieces of wood or metal on the ground, then you likely have snakes.
Look for snakes near their food sources. Above are four different varieties of Garter Snakes one might encounter in the garden (photos Wikipedia) Closely related to Garter Snakes are Water Snakes (Nerodia species) and these are also found frequently in gardens, particularly in the northeastern US. Take some necessary steps to close off any entrances to your home so that snakes making their way inside isn't even an option.
Harsh fertilizers and herbicides will harm snakes and eliminate their food source.
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It's also important to determine why snakes are attracted to your home in the first place. You may notice fur or feathers in snake feces, but you won't see any bones because snakes can digest them with strong stomach acids. They come out both night and day.