Barney And The Backyard Gang. The show takes place at Michael & Amy's house where Luci & her sister Tina, Adam, and Jason meet at for Barney's assistance when they need help. Dear Barney and Backyard Gang , This past adventure was filled with unimaginable fun that we never had before thank you for giving us that and we have the Backyard gang was already fast asleep and soon Santa came and sure enough he filled up every single stocking and that's when he noticed the.
Amy finds the Barney doll in a. The actual Barney and friends show are just him "using his imagination" in jail. Newsflash: Kids still like this show.
No offense but impatience has yet to be desired.
This series launched the PBS television show, Barney & Friends.
Barney gets caught and thrown in jail at the end of this series. Add interesting content and earn coins. They frolic on ice, play in the snow, and.